What Makes a Website Stick Out?

January 14, 2019

There isn’t a single rule as to what makes a particular design stand out. However, with plenty of factors at play to achieve a unique design, there are certain elements of a design that can make or break your website.


Excellent designs don’t happen by accident, but by strategy. If the design for your pages isn’t cohesive, that’s a waste of your marketing resources. Make the most out of your site and get help from pros. When you work with experts in website design in Phoenix, they’ll improve every aspect of your site.


Your site design must be consistent with your brand identity. It must be reflective of your company’s character and personality. If there’s a glaring disconnect between your brand identity and your site—if the tone of the design is flippant when it should be serious or serious when it should be whimsical or playful—that’s going to confuse your audience and lead to doubts about the credibility of your business. To ensure consistency, work with professionals in website design in Phoenix.


Online digital marketers use something called search engine optimization to help your website be found easily on the web. Optimized websites that follow Google’s best practices and utilize keywords your business wants to rank for help you gain a bigger consumer base, one that’s going to help you generate more returns and profits.


Mobile-usage surpassed desktop use in 2016. Over 60% of online searches are done on phones. It’s now a necessity for businesses’ websites to be mobile friendly. It not, you’re losing many customers. Digital marketing teams can ensure your website has a low bounce rate, meaning people won’t leave your website quickly because it’s slow or confusing to read on their phones.


Don’t try to put too many elements on your pages. Otherwise, you could end up with visual clutter. Agencies that offer website design in Phoenix can help your small business’ site compete online. Contact Fasturtle Digital today and get started on your website.

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