Tips for Successful Pay Per Click Advertising

October 26, 2022

Pay per click advertising or PPC, is a highly effective way to get customers interested in your business. With PPC, you choose a keyword associated with your business and pay to have a search engine display an ad for your business when users search for that keyword. You pay a set fee for each click your ad receives.

PPC is especially powerful in a market where 92% of searchers only click results on the first page, but using PPC effectively can be challenging, especially if you’re new to this type of digital marketing. As you design your PPC strategy, keep the following four tips in mind.

1. Know Your Audience

The key to any form of advertising is to target your ads to your audience. In addition to researching demographic information like your customers’ ages, genders, and political affiliations, it’s also important to focus on the geographical location of your audience. For example, if you’re a local business, your goal should be to reach customers in your area, and local SEO can help with that.

2. Use the Right Platform

Many people only associate PPC with Google, but there are multiple other platforms that a business can use to advertise. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter also offer paid ad spots, enabling businesses to combine PPC with social media marketing. Be sure to use the platform that you think will best reach your target audience.

3. Pick an Effective Keyword

A good keyword for PPC should not only be relevant to your business but also be specific enough to compete against larger companies. Adding details like your business’s location or specialization make your ad less likely to get lost in the shuffle.

4. Learn and Grow

Forming the perfect PPC strategy takes a lot of trial and error. Run tests on your campaigns, and if something doesn’t seem to be working well, try a new tactic. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different keywords to see what does and doesn’t get clicks. If you still aren’t seeing the results you want, consider increasing your budget.

Utilizing the above strategies with the help of a digital marketing agency can draw many new customers to your business. Contact Fasturtle to learn more about how we use pay per click advertising and other strategies to help your business grow.

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