The Social Media Advantage for Brands

June 2, 2019

Social media is a powerful tool for brands, often used to boost brand recognition and awareness. Here’s how.

Improves Engagement

Consumers are much more likely to buy from your product or try out your services if they like your brand. Tweets and posts from your business can garner likes, comments, and shares. That drives engagement. The higher the engagement, the more likely that customers will buy products or services.

Helps Manage Your Reputation

When it’s done properly, social media marketing teams in Phoenix can fix and manage your reputation. By now, you’ve probably heard of brands that have gone viral because of witty social media accounts. One day, your brand could be completely unknown and the next, because of clever social media marketing, it can be the talk of the town. That’s how powerful social media is.

Saves You on Costs

What’s great about social media is that it allows you to publish content at a low-cost. That means you can continue to generate and share content that your target market responds to without spending too much of your capital on your marketing efforts. In the past, big budget companies were the only ones that could afford to effectively reach out to target markets. Small companies felt unequipped to compete. Now, the internet and social media marketing platforms have leveled the playing field. That means small businesses have a better chance at going head to head with big-budget companies. Social media campaigns are affordable and allow small to medium-sized organizations to reach out to their markets too, all without spending a fortune.

Boosts Your Traffic

The right campaigns drive more attention to your site, leading to more sales and conversions. To give your website traffic a boost, hire the social media experts at Fasturtle, right here in Phoenix.

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