Storytelling for Marketing

May 25, 2018

A captivating story is much more entertaining than a long list of facts. Most consumers will remember being entranced by colorful imagery and playful sounds than cold numbers. Using storytelling, businesses are able to engage more people and build customer loyalty. Here are the four main elements for the foundation of a great story:


It is important to either maintain the same point of view throughout the story or make it clear when it is about to shift. While readers do love a good story, they are likely to tune out if they become confused.


Your business is a business because you solve some type of conflict. This can range from solving all your digital marketing problems (wink, wink) to providing consumers with organic produce. Show your customers how many of their conflicts you can solve for them! Write a story about people with the issue that you solve, and end by describing how much better you made their situation. Make it so powerful that they have no choice, but to pick up the phone right now and purchase.


Create a clear beginning, middle, and end. While this doesn’t mean you need to separate each portion of the story, just remember to make it clear to the reader where in the story they are. You don’t want your audience to tune out at the very end because it seems that the story will go on for another half hour.


This is the whole reason you wrote the story! Leave your readers feeling emotionally connected to what they have just read. Creating a lasting impression on them will build your readers’ emotional bond to your brand and boost your customer loyalty.

So, what are you waiting for? Go write! We look forward to hearing about all of your storytelling successes.

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