Frequently Asked Questions About SEO in 2020

May 29, 2020

It can be challenging to keep pace with the changing digital marketing landscape. Many of the tips and tricks you learned for search engine marketing two to three years ago, or even just last year, may no longer apply. This uncertainty can leave you feeling unsure about the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns.

To help you feel more confident in your search engine optimization strategies, here are a few frequently asked questions about SEO for 2020.

    • Do meta descriptions still matter? Meta descriptions are still important for SEO, but not for the search engine itself. Google crawlers analyze meta descriptions for keywords like they used to. But online users still read meta descriptions in the search results to determine whether or not they actually want to click on your website. Google makes certain keywords bold in the meta description when they appear on SERPs, which catches the reader’s eye. So it’s still a good idea to use meta descriptions when you can.
    • Is grammar important in keywords? Search engines don’t rank your website lower if you have poor grammar on your site. However, if you’re missing commas intentionally in keywords as a means to optimize content for local SEO, it’s best to stop. Search engine crawlers are smart enough in 2020 to be able to read locations and keywords whether or not there’s a comma involved. What’s more, keywords with poor grammar stick out to online users and can make your website look low quality.
    • Do I need to know how to code to do SEO? Learning to code can be helpful, and you can work with digital marketing services if you don’t know how. Some advanced SEO tactics may require a basic understanding of code. But you don’t need to know how to code for every part of the SEO process, either.
    • Do I still need a blog? It’s true that optimizing your on-page content can do wonders for SEO. But it’s also important to continue that optimization with content marketing. Content marketing gets three times more leads than outbound marketing. It also costs 62% less than outbound marketing. What’s more, including a blog on your website gives you the chance to show your target audience who your company is in ways you may not otherwise be able to on social media.

Looking for help for your search engine optimization strategies? The professional digital marketing services of Fasturtle can help. To learn more about our SEO services, PPC management, and other digital marketing services, contact Fasturtle today.

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