What are Engagements?

Engagement can be defined and measured in many ways. In the simplest terms, engagement is the interaction between people and brands on social networks. For example, on Facebook,engagement includes likes, comments and shares.

2017-04-21T08:31:39-07:00April 21st, 2017||

What are ‘Likes’?

While the subtext of a “like” on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn, Pinterest is hard to decipher, social media specialists know they are important because they increase the likelihood of content being delivered to that user and their social circle again in the future.

2017-04-21T08:31:11-07:00April 21st, 2017||

What is Active Listening?

Active listening is a communication technique in which the listener demonstrates to the speaker that they have been heard. Though it is often considered a more traditional concept of business communication, the technique is equally effective when applied to communication on social media.

2017-04-21T08:29:57-07:00April 21st, 2017||