In the event my credit card changes or is replaced, how do I update my information on file?
All account information can be updated by calling Fasturtle Accounting by phone at 480-348-0467 Ext 101 or through email at
All account information can be updated by calling Fasturtle Accounting by phone at 480-348-0467 Ext 101 or through email at
Checks should be made out to Fasturtle Interactive LLC and mailed to Fasturtle PO Box 12025 Scottsdale, AZ 85267
You may pay by credit card or check.
Organic Reach counts all the people who saw a post by a Page on their News Feed, Ticker, or directly on the Page's wall. Viral Reach counts all the people who saw a story about a Page in their News Feed or Ticker only because one (or more) of their friends did something on a [...]
Engagement can be defined and measured in many ways. In the simplest terms, engagement is the interaction between people and brands on social networks. For example, on Facebook,engagement includes likes, comments and shares.
While the subtext of a “like” on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn, Pinterest is hard to decipher, social media specialists know they are important because they increase the likelihood of content being delivered to that user and their social circle again in the future.
On social media, the sentiment of a review or comment can be seen in the tone or emotion conveyed in response to brand’s services or content.
Active listening is a communication technique in which the listener demonstrates to the speaker that they have been heard. Though it is often considered a more traditional concept of business communication, the technique is equally effective when applied to communication on social media.
Here are Google + images and specifications: Profile Picture: 250 x 250 (Recommended) Image Guidelines Minimum 250 x 250 pixels. Recommended to use larger photos. Maximum file size 100MB. Maximum dimensions not listed (we were able to upload at 5,200 x 5,300 pixels). Image types include: JPG, GIF or PNG. Cover Image: 1,080 x [...]
Here are all Instagram images and specifications: Profile Picture: 110 x 110 Image Guidelines Appear on your profile at 110 x 110 pixels. Square photo: make sure to maintain an aspect ratio of 1:1. Photo Thumbnails: 161 x 161 Image Guidelines The thumbnails will appear on the page at 161 x 161 pixels. Square photo: [...]