Planning Holiday Digital Ad Campaigns AKA Christmas in August | Heard on Money Radio

What's Your Holiday Digital Ad Campaign Plan? So it’s only August, you’re still sitting by the pool, nary a Pumpkin Spice latte in sight. That hasn’t stopped retail stores from stocking Halloween supplies. It might not be fall yet, but like the wise old squirrel, it’s time to start thinking about winter – specifically, the [...]

2019-09-10T06:19:04-07:00August 14th, 2017|Email Marketing, Paid Media, Podcast|

Email Marketing 101: How to Create Effective Campaigns

If you use email, you probably receive a huge volume of e-newsletters. A lot of them go straight to your trash folder, like so much junk mail tossed into the recycling bin. There are so many unopened e-newsletters sitting in people’s inboxes waiting for somebody to pay them a moment of attention, it’s surprising Pixar [...]

2022-11-14T13:42:10-07:00June 21st, 2017|Articles, Content Strategy, Email Marketing|

Fasturtle Uses Local Search SEO and Email Marketing to Triple Clients’ Website Traffic

Scottsdale, AZ – (November 4, 2015) – Fasturtle has been working with multi-location franchise companies for years - generating additional traffic to every location’s website and brick and mortar, through their local search engine optimization, email marketing, and newly updated and revamped social media program. “We are able to take the information given from corporate, [...]

2023-03-23T09:05:22-07:00November 4th, 2015|Email Marketing, Local SEO|

Tips to Increase Your Email Deliverability Rates

Email marketing in Phoenix and other cities across the nation is an excellent way to reach a widespread audience of customers and potential customers at a low rate. For this reason, many small businesses are including an email marketing component as part of their overall strategy for online and social media marketing. Email marketing is [...]

2018-07-31T11:06:01-07:00February 26th, 2014|Email Marketing|

5 Easy Tips to Get Your Emails Read

When setting up an email marketing program, it is important to remember that billions of promotional emails are sent out each day, meaning your customers are regularly bombarded with marketing messages from a variety of businesses. With an inbox full of messages, it is easy to see how customers can become overwhelmed, leading to a [...]

2018-07-31T11:06:32-07:00October 17th, 2013|Articles, Email Marketing|

Tips for Keeping Email Newsletter Content Short & Sweet

Email marketing is a cost effective marketing solution that can reach hundreds or even thousands of customers that are highly interested in your business and the products or services you offer. For this reason, many businesses choose to include an email marketing component in campaigns for digital marketing in Phoenix and other cities throughout the [...]

2018-07-31T11:06:33-07:00July 30th, 2013|Articles, Email Marketing|

4 Tips to Growing your Email Marketing List

When compared to newer online marketing tools, such as social media marketing and blogging, email marketing in San Diego and other cities throughout the country generally receives less buzz. While email marketing may be an older form of online marketing, it is a highly effective tool that is more relevant today than ever before due [...]

2018-07-31T11:06:35-07:00June 20th, 2013|Articles, Email Marketing|

Why are people unsubscribing from your Emails?

Email marketing in Phoenix is one of the most effective marketing methods businesses can employ. It’s a great way to engage with customers on a regular basis and generally earns businesses a greater return on investment. One of the largest complaints that businesses have about email marketing in Phoenix, however, is that customers sign up [...]

2018-07-31T11:06:37-07:00March 19th, 2013|Articles, Email Marketing|