Social Media Marketing Mistakes You Might Be Making

Social media has come a long way since it first came on the scene. What started out as a way for friends to connect over the internet and share snippets of their lives has now morphed into an opportunity for businesses to reach new customers and increase their brand awareness. Through informational posts and social [...]

2020-09-22T08:18:03-07:00September 22nd, 2020|Articles|

Marketing Your Brand New Business: 3 Steps to Take From the Start

Launching a brand new business is undoubtedly an exciting endeavor -- but it can also be immensely nerve-racking. Although you may have consulted the most reliable sources for creating your business, what happens when it comes time to market it to the masses? According to experts, you really shouldn't wait to start marketing your venture. [...]

2020-08-03T12:53:25-07:00July 29th, 2020|Articles|

Facebook Groups: Tips to Help Businesses Build a Dependable Online Community

Social media has become more important for businesses than ever before. And while maintaining a presence on every platform is important, Facebook tends to dominate. In fact, it has just over 65% of all social media user share. As a result, it makes a lot of sense to ensure the social media advertising services your [...]

2020-06-16T07:56:26-07:00June 16th, 2020|Articles|

3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Digital Marketing Right Now

Last year, there were an estimated 4,083,105,000 internet users worldwide. As you might have guessed, it’s more important than ever for your business to be found online. Digital marketing continues to be one of the best ways to accomplish that goal. However, it’s not always easy to develop and execute this type of strategy. What’s [...]

2020-05-29T08:19:44-07:00May 28th, 2020|Articles|

Compelling Reasons to Focus on Local SEO in 2020

Although there was once a time where businesses might not have needed a website to thrive, those days are long gone. Now, it's no longer enough to merely have a website; it also needs to be optimized properly so that customers can find you online. Search engine optimization involves a number of techniques -- and [...]

2020-05-22T12:49:38-07:00May 2nd, 2020|Articles, Local SEO, SEO|

Email Marketing Mistakes: What to Avoid in Your E-Blasts

In the digital age, inbound marketing tactics have really taken over. But that doesn't mean that outbound marketing is outdated. Cold calling has been replaced by email marketing -- and when this technique is used correctly, your business can continue to reach both new and established customers. However, not every organization has mastered the finer [...]

2020-04-14T10:22:05-07:00April 1st, 2020|Articles, Email Marketing|

How Coronavirus is Impacting Digital Marketing

There isn't an industry the Coronavirus pandemic hasn't affected, including digital marketing. Due to conferences being canceled and employees working remotely, online streaming platforms like Zoom are being used more. There are supply chain issues for products from China, affecting e-commerce. There are a lot more people Googling health topics. To make up for the [...]

2023-10-02T15:48:50-07:00March 20th, 2020|Articles|

Common WordPress Website Design Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make

It's no secret that Wordpress is one of the most popular open-source content management systems. In fact, every day, more than 500 websites are built using Wordpress. Only 60 to 80 websites are built per day on platforms such as Squarespace and Shopify. But sometimes it can be difficult to create an effective Wordpress website [...]

2020-04-14T10:30:25-07:00March 11th, 2020|Articles, Website Design|