Maximizing Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales

Last year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales topped $65 million and $1 billion dollars, respectively-- and this skyrocketing trend isn’t poised to stop in 2013. These immensely lucrative shopping days have become profoundly important for online retailers, but with recent SEO changes such as Google Hummingbird now in the mix, this year presents interesting [...]

2017-08-09T12:27:31-07:00November 11th, 2013|Articles, Local SEO|

5 Easy Tips to Get Your Emails Read

When setting up an email marketing program, it is important to remember that billions of promotional emails are sent out each day, meaning your customers are regularly bombarded with marketing messages from a variety of businesses. With an inbox full of messages, it is easy to see how customers can become overwhelmed, leading to a [...]

2018-07-31T11:06:32-07:00October 17th, 2013|Articles, Email Marketing|

How Much Does Building an App Cost?

In the United States, there are more than 140 million smartphone users, and this number will only continue to grow in coming years. As such, the interest in mobile app development in Scottsdale and other cities throughout the nation has increased tremendously among those in the small business community. Business owners are beginning to realize [...]

2023-10-02T15:43:55-07:00October 15th, 2013|Articles|

Using Twitter to Connect with New Customers

Businesses of any size can interact and form strong connections with customers and potential customers on Twitter. Twitter is an excellent tool to include in your campaign for social media marketing as it allows you to instantly share information, interact and form strong connections with new customers. Although it only allows you to share 140 [...]

2017-08-10T13:31:09-07:00October 10th, 2013|Articles|

How SEO and Social Media Can Work Together

Many businesses make the mistake of working with an inexperienced local SEO company in Arizona that goes about online marketing in the wrong way.  Often, these companies treat each facet of online marketing as completely separate entities. A more reputable, experienced local SEO company in Arizona, however, understands that various online marketing components should be [...]

2017-08-10T13:57:02-07:00October 1st, 2013|Articles|

Avoiding Disreputable SEO Companies

When looking to improve search engine rankings, businesses often turn to professionals to implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) programs in Arizona. While there are many reputable companies throughout the state that can help your business to gain rankings and targeted traffic, there are also a large number of disreputable companies that draw businesses in with [...]

2023-10-03T08:50:11-07:00September 17th, 2013|Articles|