Pointers on Using Mobile Search

Smartphones and other types of mobile tech are ubiquitous, meaning most of your customers are walking around with a connection to you in their pockets! SEO marketing has to shift to accommodate mobile technology and mobile search. Your web presence extends beyond customers’ home computers, these days, and your SEO marketing should reflect that. You [...]

2023-10-03T08:50:48-07:00October 6th, 2015|Articles|

A Menu of Search Engine Marketing Services – Explained

There are times when understanding all there is to know about search engines and how they operate can get downright overwhelming. After all, it's easy enough to get bombarded by terms that seem so ambiguous; acronyms such as SEO, PPC, PR, ROI, SEM and so many others. SEM services, or search engine marketing, is a [...]

2019-03-01T08:26:48-07:00June 16th, 2015|Articles|

Tips for Improving Your Online Presence

Your web presence is the cornerstone of your online SEO marketing plans — without a great website and associated web presence you’re missing out on a big business opportunity! Whether you’re just starting out, or hoping to improve your already existing web presence, there are ways you can better your web presence to better your [...]

2017-08-01T10:17:02-07:00May 19th, 2015|Articles|

Top Mistakes You Make Trying to Grow Your Local Business

Your local business is expanding – great! As you step into the world of branding and identity and develop your social presence on the internet, you might feel a bit lost. Avoid making these common mistakes and you are more likely to succeed. When people Google a local business, they’ll find you and be happy [...]

2017-08-01T12:02:36-07:00March 19th, 2015|Articles|

3 Things Search Engine Optimization Has with Google Ranking Factors

If you don’t know about the inner workings of Google graph, search engine optimization techniques, and Google local business tools, you may not fully understand just how much work goes into having your website appear high up in Google search engine results page rankings. You want your customers to find your site by searching for [...]

2017-08-01T12:08:53-07:00March 17th, 2015|Articles|