Digital Marketing Resources & Articles
Browse through our blog page to find updates and informative content on Local SEO, digital marketing, reputation management, social media advertising, and more.
Google Penguin and the SEO Industry
Launched on April 24th, Google Penguin is the latest update to the Google algorithm, changing the way backlink profiles are evaluated on websites. Any site that relies on unnatural links, [...]
Should I Use the Word ‘Free’ in my Email Marketing?
Email marketing is a great tool to use to directly communicate with customers. They have establishing an interest in your company and products or services and signed up for your [...]
How Social Media Increases Search Ranking
Social media is shaking up how search engines are performing rankings. Rankings used to be determined purely by a company’s website, which included factors such as the content, meta tags [...]
Steps to a Successful E-Mail Marketing Campaign
E-mail marketing is an efficient, low-cost way for businesses to keep in touch with customers. By developing a great campaign, you can gain brand recognition, improve conversion rates, grow the [...]
4 Tips on Image SEO
Businesses should place images on their websites to act as a relevant visual aid for their written content on each page. While businesses typically do this to make their websites [...]
3 Tips to Manage Your Social Media Reputation
In today’s world, it is essential that your business be using social media pages to engage with your customers and stay relevant in an ever changing and competitive marketplace. Reputation [...]
Maximizing the Impact of Your Online Marketing Strategy
Online marketing is one of the best mediums for driving offline conversation. Researchers at the Keller Fay Group found that in 15% of conversations about products and 23% of conversations [...]
Outdated Search Engine Optimization Techniques
Popular search engines are known for constantly changing their search algorithm, none more so than Google. In January of 2012 alone, Google announced more than 30 updates to their algorithm [...]
Tips for Writing a Good Press Release
A common problem that business owners encounter when writing press releases is that the content of the release isn’t truly a piece of news. Although potentially informative and interesting to [...]