Digital Marketing Resources & Articles
Browse through our blog page to find updates and informative content on Local SEO, digital marketing, reputation management, social media advertising, and more.
Using Facebook Ads to Expand Local Reach
Social networks are excellent tools for promoting your brand and broadening your customer base. But if your business uses Facebook advertising you may be wondering: Is it worth the time [...]
Completing Keyword Research Without Exact Match
Google’s recent removal of exact match keyword targeting from AdWords has resulted in serious uncertainty and makes keyword optimization and research that much more difficult. This article from the search [...]
Still Using Adobe Flash on Your Website?
Flash is the foe of many a website for two main reasons: it is not spider-friendly and it is not supported by most mobile devices. Because of this, Google is [...]
Optimizing Content for Social Networks
Sharing content across multiple social networks is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Each platform is unique, and requires a tailored strategy to engage its specific audience. This article from Fasturtle, experts [...]
Google Authorship Update
On August 28, Google ended its three-year trial with Google Authorship; Author Rank, however, lives on. How is it possible to have Author Rank without Google Authorship? And how does [...]
Understanding YouTube Analytics
If you use YouTube to upload content for your business, you may be wondering who is watching your videos and how you can attract a larger audience. Enter Google Analytics: [...]
Most Common SEO Mistakes that Bloggers Make
Search engine optimization is a key component of any successful blogging campaign. It must be implemented thoughtfully and meticulously, with one eye always on the intricate and ever-changing SEO landscape. [...]
Link Building for Beginners
If you’re new to the world of SEO techniques, the importance of link building may be hard to grasp. Even if you have experience with building links, the ever-changing search [...]
Tips for Developing a Social Media Strategy
Social media is constantly evolving, and tracking trends to adapt to your business is no easy feat. If you are struggling to find a social media marketing strategy that is [...]