About fasturtle_ft_admin

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So far fasturtle_ft_admin has created 523 blog entries.

B2B Digital Marketing In The Age of COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis has caused some businesses across the U.S. to hit the pause button. But many organizations are still in need of certain services they can't provide themselves. So how do you operate like a true digital marketing agency without coming off like you're ignoring the COVID-19 crisis? Here are a few things to [...]

2020-06-16T12:52:42-07:00March 16th, 2020|Digital Marketing|

5 Big Benefits of Working with a Digital Marketing Company

When asked if they have a marketing agency in their corner, many novice business owners respond with the same answer. “I don’t need one!” This isn’t just a preference - it’s a mistake that can be costly for your company. If you are one of those business owners that doesn’t think an SEO firm or [...]

2019-11-11T12:10:37-07:00December 1st, 2019|Digital Marketing|

How to Assess Your Digital Marketing Needs

Most modern businesses have some kind of digital marketing strategy. After all, reaching consumers via the internet is the number one way to advertise in today’s world. However, unless you have a dedicated IT department or an in-house digital marketing specialist, you may struggle with knowing exactly what your strategy should entail. Here are some [...]

2019-10-30T07:37:58-07:00November 4th, 2019|Digital Marketing|

The Importance of User Experience in Website Design

Imagine, there are two websites. They mostly have the same content, but they differ in just one aspect: user experience. One makes sure that the structure allows the user to navigate through the site easily, the images are relevant, and it’s fast. It basically makes the whole thing comfortable for the user. One the other [...]

2019-10-30T08:16:23-07:00November 1st, 2019|Website Design|

When is the Best Time to Post on Social Media?

With so many users on social media, it’s recommended that businesses use social media platforms as a vital marketing tool. However, business owners can see their posts going to waste if they’re not utilizing the best times to post content and engage clients. Here are the best times to post for each social media platform [...]

2019-06-07T08:28:00-07:00June 6th, 2019|Social Media|

Is Digital Marketing Important for SMEs?

Small-medium enterprises need all the help they can get. While Google loves them—hence the efforts the company has made to give local firms and companies greater visibility on the SERPs—the odds can be pretty stacked against them. If you are building a small business enterprise in Phoenix, here’s why hiring digital marketing pros will matter [...]

2023-10-03T08:55:12-07:00June 5th, 2019|Articles|